Knowledge Base > HTTP API Specification Version 1.1
SMS Messages can be sent via the one2many gateway using 2 methods. The first uses HTTP POST/GET to send small quantities of messages; the second utilizes a destination list in CSV format, and is suitable for sending to a large number of recipients.
This method can send one message to one or more (max 50) recipients at once. It is available using HTTP for speed, or HTTPS for security.
Please note: The names of the post fields are CASE SENSITIVE.
- Username
- Your one2many username.
- Password
- Your one2many password.
- SenderID
- Sender identification to appear on message.
- Destination
- Destination number in local (Australian) or international format (61400123456)
Note: Multiple destinations can be specified by comma delimiting them
(e.g. 0400123456,0400654321,0400999999 etc) - Message
- Message to be sent.
- DeliveryTime
- (optional) Scheduled delivery time. Time to be represented as YYMMDDHHMMSS.
- DeliveryRate
- (optional) Rate to deliver messages. Defaults to 20000/hr. Accepts values from 1 to 20000.
If successful, the server will reply in the following format:
OK, {3DB5EF84-5262-461B-915E-413490312BF9}, 1, 999 {D0BCF703-8BAC-4CBE-83A5-54B8136BDAF3} ..... {ED660591-B256-45E8-93DB-A4EFB8CFDF21}
The top line contains the status of the request, the job identification, the job size, and the balance after sending this request. On each line that follows contains the SMS identification of each message in the order as given in the destination field.
HTTP CSV File Upload
This method can send one message to many (no maximum) recipients at once. It is available using HTTP for speed, or HTTPS for security.
Fields and file format
Please note: The names of the post fields are CASE SENSITIVE.
Username and password information is sent in POST fields as follows. The information must be POSTED to the above URL using encoding type "multipart/form-data".
Please note: The names of the post fields are CASE SENSITIVE.
- Username
- Your one2many username.
- Password
- Your one2many password.
- JobDesc
- (optional) Job description to identify this batch later.
- DeliveryTime
- (optional) Scheduled delivery time. Time to be represented as YYMMDDHHMMSS.
- DeliveryRate
- (optional) Rate to deliver messages. Defaults to 20000/hr. Accepts values from 1 to 20000.
- userfile
- File of the following format.
- Query an individual message
- JobID
- Query a job
The file must be encoded as follows.
SenderID|Message Description|Destination1|Mergetag1|Mergetag2|Mergetag3|Mergetag4|Mergetag5 Description|Destination2|Mergetag1|Mergetag2|Mergetag3|Mergetag4|Mergetag5 ..... Description|Destination100|Mergetag1|Mergetag2|Mergetag3|Mergetag4|Mergetag5
The SenderID and Message are MANDATORY fields. To include a pipe in a merge tag, please escape it using a backspace (e.g. \|).
The Description is optional, as are the merge tags. If you don’t wish to set a description, you must still include the first | (e.g. "|61400123466"). The merge tags can be used to personalize the message for each destination. To use simply include a %1% in the message to indicate the first merge tag. The server will then replace %1% with the contents of the first merge tag on a per recipient basis.
For example, the following file will send a personalized message to 3 recipients.
one2many|Hi %1%, Don’t forget the 20% off sale in %2% this weekend. |61400123456|Pete|South Yarra |61400654321|Mary|Port Melbourne |61400999999|Tom|Carlton
The merged message sent to 61400123456 will read "Hi Pete, Don’t forget the 20% off sale in South Yarra this weekend."
If successful, the server will reply in the following format
OK, {3DB5EF84-5262-461B-915E-413490312BF9}, 1, 999
The response contains the status of the request, the job identification, the job size, and the balance after sending this request.
Delivery Reports
A message or job can be queried for delivery reports by performing a GET. URLFields
Please note: The names of the get fields are CASE SENSITIVE. Only include ONE of the following fields in your request.
The server will respond in the following format.
SMSID, MSISDN, StatusNumber, StatusText, DoneDate
SMSID is the identification of the individual message
MSISDN is the mobile number the message was sent to
StatusNumber is the status field in numerical format, explained below
StatusText is the status field in short text format, explained below
DoneDate is the date and time when the message reached its final state (Seconds from EPOC)
The status field will be the short-text representation of the message status as outlined in one2many message status